“Why Hip-Hop?”
An excerpt from the book The Truth Behind Hip Hop by: G. Craige Lewis
To understand this book, we must first explain what Hip-hop really is. Hip-hop is not music! It is not a genre; it is not a specific sound or art form. Hip-hop is not rap either, but it is a religion/culture or a belief system that was birthed out of a desire to manifest one’s self in a society that was deemed unfair to African-American’s in the early 1970’s. Because of the negative environments and social situations that plagued the black race at the time, Afrika Bambataa and others created a way of temporarily overcoming these social obstacles by partying, making music, and believing in one’s self and one’s own power. These parties were called Hip-Hop parties and they were viewed at the time as opportunity to preach a newfound doctrine of self-worship and hate for the establishment (the white race).
Hip-Hop targeted rap music and used music to preach a message that empowered the black race as “true god’s” and made Jesus Christ the “white man’s religion”. Hip-Hop taught the youth at the time, and still teaches indirectly, that you can be who you want to be in the sense of not being what people want you to be. That has a certain truth to it, but if taken the wrong way, it turns into rebellion against basic laws and truths that govern our society as a whole. Hip-Hop began to change the very appearance of its followers by creating a look, a way of governing yourself, and a language that should be spoken. What this created was a subculture of our American culture, and it caused our youth to go against the basic pattern of society and manifest their own will regardless of what it cost them socially and spiritually.
I guess you can say that if all you see is what you see, then you will believe that’s all there is to be. By growing up in impoverished neighborhoods and ghettos, many of our black youth began to believe that their role models needed to be found among their peers. They would see pimps making all kinds of money, so they would emulate the pimp by dressing like him, talking like him, and pretending to be him. They would see thugs and gangsters going in and out of prison, so they would begin to walk like them, dress like them, and emulate them. Well, Hip-Hop was birthed out of poverty and in the streets of NY where the in thing was selling drugs, pimping, and going in and out of prison. So our young boys began to emulate the look of thugs and gangsters because there were no real positive role models among them to emulate. Our young girls would begin dressing like the whores or the loose women they would see on a day-to-day basis. What Bambataa and his entourage did was glorify the street life and make being in the streets and of the streets acceptable. Instead of pointing the youth to the work force, the business world, higher education, or entrepreneurship, they would make the thug, the gangster, or the pimp the one that should be representing our people. Sure they taught self-respect and self worth, but they did if from the wrong level. Instead of pulling the youth of this nation up, they just made those that were down the mark to reach for. In other words, they made society seem unfair to the black man, and in many cases it still is. But instead of being able to succeed through normal avenues, the black man would have to turn to other means of success like entertainment, Hip-Hop was the way to get the black man notoriety and show that the lower income black people of America had a voice. Hip-Hop was then used to describe a way of living, not just music. There are television commercials that run today on BET and MTV that state, “Hip-Hop is not music, it’s a way of life,” and “you don’t do Hip-hop, you are Hip-hop!” This clearly tells us what the agenda of true Hip-Hoppers is. It’s a manifestation of a belief system that governs the behavior of its followers.
With that said, we come to the question, why hip-hop?
Hip-hop was needed to give an identity to the youth of America that seemed to not have a voice. Hip-hop was created to be the voice of those that felt they were denied opportunity and fairness by our society. They believed that the white man was to blame for the social and economical deficits that plagued the black race. They believed that we as a black race should not subscribe to the white man’s laws or his religion. Afrika Bambataa began to infuse the doctrine of self-worship and black supremacy into rap music and thus, created the religion of Hip-hop. Hip-hop then became not only a voice of the people, but a religion that preached a doctrine that is contrary to the Bible. The doctrine of Hip-hop says that the black man is God and Jesus Christ is not the Son of God, but he is in fact the white man’s god. These teaching started out as straight forward messages that were preached over beats and rhymes, but later evolved into silent practices that would manifest outwardly in the behavior, clothes, and language of the culture. Now Hip-hop has literally changed the face of our nation. It has caused our youth to lower their standards and set their sights on themselves and their own feelings rather than taking the harder road to success. They now see what is acceptable or fashionable to our society as being “weak or wak.” Hip-hop has turned our young boys into thugs and our young girls into young whores. It has caused marijuana and other illegal substances to become acceptable among our youth and is stopping our people from achieving real success. Whether we want to admit it or not we must adhere to the fact that we live in a society that promotes educated, properly dressed, well-mannered men and women. Hip-hop, however, tells our youth that it’s okay to wear your clothes like a criminal, or dress like a bum. It’s okay to look evil and talk in slang as long as you stay true to the culture of Hip-hop. But the real scary part is that many want the church of God to accept Hip-hop as a way to reach they youth that are already in it
The truth is in the name.
There is a new move in our nation called Holy Hip-hop. It’s a knock-off version of true Hip-hop but it is getting very popular among Youth Pastors and churches that do not effectively know how to reach the youth of their communities.
Instead of fasting, praying, and seeking God for his Spirit to draw hearts that truly want to repent, they turn to Holy Hip-hop, which will speak the language, promote the look and appeal of the culture, and then add the message of Christ to it? See, the Holy Hip-hopper believes that they can reach real Hip-hoppers by being Hip-hoppers–just Holy ones. They believe they are an alternative to the real Hip-hop, so that when you give your life to Christ, you can still be represented by a Holy version of Hip-hop. They also believe that Hip-hop can be Holy because God changed you or me from our sinful state into Holy people.
When I was not in Christ, I was a thief and a crook. Now that I am saved, am I a Holy Crook? I guess next the gothic culture is going to have a bootleg, Holy version of the real thing eventually (as crazy as it seems someone may already be doing this). Can’t you just see the kids in your youth group wearing black, black nail polish, tattoos and piercings everywhere, and looking like walking dead people? Then the Holy Gothic recording artist/minister comes in and validates them. He will look like Marilyn Manson, sounds like Marilyn Manson and dresses like Marilyn Manson, but he will sing about Christ. Will this reach the Youth? Will these youth be transformed by the power of God and begin to look and act like NEW CREATURES? No, they will continue to live and look like the culture that had them spiritually bound in the first place. These methods always look good on the surface and can be justified by quoting, “ I become all things to all men…” Ok lets become a part of the pornographic culture to reach the pornographers. This is ridiculous. To reach the gothic culture or any other subculture you must ask the real question. “
“Why are they Gothic?”
In the case of the creation of the Gothic culture: first there was Heavy Metal Music. Then those in the occult began to use this particular subculture of the music to push their agenda. The spirit of witchcraft began to be released through the satanic artist who made the music. Understand that when a Satan worshipping musician plays music he gives spirits of darkness a vessel to work through. Through an evolution of the genre and the culture the gothic spirit manifested and those that wanted to rebel and be outcast of their mainstream culture subscribed to it—this formed the subculture of Goth! They began to emulate the rebellion and gave the spirit of evil and darkness another place to manifest. Whether you believe it or not the devil uses music as a vehicle to transfer spirits. For the intellectual fundamentalist who don’t subscribe to evil spirits and the devil, let me ask you how is it that you teach that the spirit of God Operates through your music, but you don’t believe that evil spirits can operate through secular music? Doesn’t even the Bible teach the fight that we are fighting isn’t flesh and blood?
Eph. 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
I don’t think that any fundamentalist would deny that we are in a spiritual wrestling match, but they want to the fight only on the natural level, when the word of God clearly states that we are in a spiritual battle with spiritual beings. It is remarkable to me that even the secular music industry understands the transfer of spirits in music while the Christian Artist (denies that anything like this exist).
Notice the term spiritual wickedness in Eph 6:12.
What would the term spiritual wickedness be referring to? Maybe it is referring to the mixing of the sacred with the secular! Could it be referencing Holy (spiritual) Hip-hop (wickedness)?
The real problem with the Goth kids is spiritual! If you deal with the spirit of rebellion in them, they would abandon Goth all together. This is the same with Hip-hop! Notice that Goth is not a type of music but it is a way of life. If Hip-hop is teaching rebellion and is a spiritual problem, then why join forces with it? Why try to redeem something that was birthed out of lack, poverty, rebellion, and ethnocentricity? Why not allow God to gift you supernaturally to deal with the spirit in the youth that is pulling them to Hip-hop in the first place? I would not allow a person that is pierced all up, tattooed all over, and dressed in black with dark makeup and a scary countenance to get up before my youth and teach them anything. They are representing rebellion and they are validating rebellion in the lives of the youth. Well, I refuse to allow a man that looks thugged-out, gangstered-up, or a girl that is dressed “hoochie-fied” and whorish to get up and validate the Hip-hop lifestyle in my church. Many of our youth cannot get decent jobs or even finish school because they refuse to change their look for our society. They want to look gangster and thugged-out like the Hip-hop artists they see, but those artists are paid for looking like that, and our kids can’t get ahead looking like them. And now, there are Christian versions of these thugs and gangsters? They want to come to your church, dressed like a hoodlum, and get up before your youth to preach and rap? They want to give props to Hip-hop and bring this foul belief system into your church to validate the rebellion that already exists among your youth. They want to show your young boys that wearing big diamond earrings, “doo-rags”, and baseball caps over wave caps is okay for church service. Did you ever notice that the Holy hip-hoppers always give “props” to Hip-hop not Holy Hip-hop? Even at some of their concerts they have the youth chanting “Hip- Hop! Hip-hop!” Not “Holy hip-hop! Holy Hip-hop! I guess holy hip-hop has too many syllables. I ask you— is it holy for the Holy Hip-hoppers to show your young boys that throwing up gang signs and pulling up your pants all day because they are sagging so low is acceptable to God. Do we believe that the established church should not have anything to say about? Even public schools know that they cannot allow the culture of hip-hop to take over and maintain order in an institution of learning. Every school district I know of has rules against the many elements of Hip-Hop. They won’t allow the music, the bandannas, the sagging, the “hoochie-mama outfits,” doo-rags, jerseys, or hats. So is the church supposed to have lower standards than the public school? I thought we were the salt of the earth and the light of the world. Wake up people! Can’t you see what’s going on? If Hip-hop was birthed through poverty, idolatry, and ignorance, then why is it being used by Christians to reach youth? Shouldn’t we reach out to them with an example of how the power of God changes a person rather than how your insides can change, but it does not affect the outside? A gang member wears a rag to symbolize where he belongs. A prisoner wears his pants sagging to show that he has no belt or that he is a homosexual lover to someone. A prostitute dresses revealing and in tight clothes to show that she is a whore and will sell you some. If God wants to change any one of them, will he use their own kind to reach them? I mean, would he use a Holy gang member? A saved thug or would he use a woman that dresses like a whore to reach the prostitute? This does not make sense. Where is the change? Wouldn’t it be more effective to have a person that once dressed like a whore, a gang member, or a prisoner to show the change that God made to their appearance by changing theirs first? Let’s get real. I guess so many of our churches are so desperate for the attention of their youth that they will allow a Gospel Gangster, A Holy Hoodlum, or even a Preachin’ PIMP to come and give their youth some tight beats and rhymes.
But the wise man wins the soul right?
Prov. 11:30 “…and he that winneth souls wise.”
There is a big difference in that question and this scripture. This scripture is not saying that we should be wise and cleaver in coming up with ways to attract people to God. It’s basically stating a fact. If you win souls, you are wise. If you obey God, walk in his way, and allow his Spirit to operate through you, you will win souls and thus, you were wise. But we tend to make the scripture to mean that if we think up ways to reach people and use craftiness in doing it, then we are wise! The Bible is clear in 2 Corinthians 4 about using craftiness and handling the Word of God deceitfully.
2Cor. 4:2 But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God.
We cannot pretend we’re one thing to get people’s attention and then show them that we are another thing. In other words, you can’t use the actual music of the “real” hip-hop and the religion of Hip-hop to get the youth’s attention so you can minister to them. The only reason they are drawn to this culture, in the first place is because of its supernatural pull and how it agrees with their lifestyle. If there is such a thing as Holy Hip-hop, then why is the World’s version just plain Hip-hop? Why don’t they call what they are doing Secular Hip-hop or Gangster Hip-hop? To them, it’s just Hip-hop because they are the original. But the church is the counterfeit and has to change the definition of the word to be a part of it. The name suggests that to make it Holy is to make is non-authentic or to make it something that it is not. This is because Hip-hop was created for the world. For someone in the church to amend it and add the prefix Holy to it suggest that it’s not original and is a knock off version of what it was created to be. Sure God made everything and he made music. He is the creator, but we are manufacturers. We take the talent, material, and elements that God gave us and we manufacture from his creations. There was no Hip-hop in the Garden of Eden, but there were raw materials that man could use to create it.
Many Holy Hip-hoppers try to use the following scripture to justify using hip-hop:
Col. 1:16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:
It must be understood that just because something is in existence does not mean that God created it and sanctions it. Child pornography exists yet God didn’t create it neither does he use it in any way. When we talk about music and culture we are talking about something that was manufactured using the raw materials and talents that God created. So, in that sense, sure God created everything. But many things that are manufactured by man, God does not want credited back to him.
I know you are probably asking yourself, “Why don’t they just call it Christian Rap and leave out the Hip-hop part? The answer: because, they can’t. Christian rap does not mimic the secular industry enough. Now if you are going to be a Christian version of the Wu-tang Clan, then you have to effectively mimic them. You can’t just rap and make beats, but you have to dress like them, move around on stage like them, and look like them. This is where Hip-hop comes in. Hip-hop keeps the looks, the flare and the flavor in the performance so that they can effectively emulate the secular version of themselves. When a Christian rap group does not want to be associated with Hip-hop in any way, then they don’t emulate secular artists. They can have their own style, their own flavor and their own God given creativity, and not depend on Hip-hop to dictate to them what they should be like. Hip-hop is the spirit that brings authenticity to the Holy Hip-hopper. Without it, they can’t be like their worldly heroes of Hip-hop. They will have to give credit to God alone and can no longer pay tribute to Hip-hop. Thus, it puts them out of the loop and they must stand on their own. They cannot sell a lot of CD’s; they won’t get the dove or GMA awards. They won’t stand out without Hip-hop because the people they say they are reaching will only respect their God if Hip-hop is used to bring him to them. In many of their raps, they make Hip-hop equal to God and make Hip-hop and the Gospel a “team”. Since when did Hip-hop become equals with the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Hip-hop denounces Christ! But I guess when you call it “Holy Hip-hop” Christ can be equal to Hip-hop and they can work together to reach the world like Kanye West states in his blockbuster hit song “Jesus Walks”. Why call it Holy Hip-hop and not believe in the gifts of the Holy Ghost? The Holy Ghost will draw the sinner, but many Holy Hip-hop rappers deny the gifts and do not deal with the spirit realm concerning Hip-hop and the world. They don’t cast out demons, they don’t believe in divine healing and many don’t even believe in the baptism of the Holy Ghost! So, what do they leave the youth with that they are trying to reachjQuery111308552268780767918_1451326644685 Beats, rhymes, and positive lyrics rather than negative ones. They are an alternative, with no authenticity. Sure, the kids are drawn by the beats and the “Hip-hop” because that’s where they are. Kanye West is packing out church altars when he makes his appeal for salvation, even thought his music promotes sin, sex, and violence. How is he any different than a Holy Hip-hopper? They are both using Hip-hop to reach the youth right? His is positive right? The one thing I can appreciate about Kanye West is that he is true to what he does. He is not trying to change Hip-hop into something Holy. He knows that it’s all just Hip-hop! Only the church is foolish enough to bring this demonic culture in and call it just music. Real Hip-hoppers know that music has little to do with it. It’s the enemy’s agenda. Even KRS-ONE knew that the only way to get the knowledge of self and his “black man is God” teachings into the church was to use Holy Hip-hop! He was one of the founding fathers of Hip-hop, so he is an advocate of Holy Hip-hop and any other form of worship thru Hip-hop. He says that all religions can worship through Hip-hop because Hip-hop is like Christ! To the real Hip-hopper, it’s Christ-like because to them, no man cometh to the father but through a mixture of their beliefs and Hip-hop! Even Da’ Truth said in his CD, “Hip-hop and the Gospel, what a dynamic team!” NO!
Prov. 11:30 “…and he that winneth souls wise.”
There is a big difference in that question and this scripture. This scripture is not saying that we should be wise and cleaver in coming up with ways to attract people to God. It’s basically stating a fact. If you win souls, you are wise. If you obey God, walk in his way, and allow his Spirit to operate through you, you will win souls and thus, you were wise. But we tend to make the scripture to mean that if we think up ways to reach people and use craftiness in doing it, then we are wise! The Bible is clear in 2 Corinthians 4 about using craftiness and handling the Word of God deceitfully.
2Cor. 4:2 But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God.
We cannot pretend we’re one thing to get people’s attention and then show them that we are another thing. In other words, you can’t use the actual music of the “real” hip-hop and the religion of Hip-hop to get the youth’s attention so you can minister to them. The only reason they are drawn to this culture, in the first place is because of its supernatural pull and how it agrees with their lifestyle. If there is such a thing as Holy Hip-hop, then why is the World’s version just plain Hip-hop? Why don’t they call what they are doing Secular Hip-hop or Gangster Hip-hop? To them, it’s just Hip-hop because they are the original. But the church is the counterfeit and has to change the definition of the word to be a part of it. The name suggests that to make it Holy is to make is non-authentic or to make it something that it is not. This is because Hip-hop was created for the world. For someone in the church to amend it and add the prefix Holy to it suggest that it’s not original and is a knock off version of what it was created to be. Sure God made everything and he made music. He is the creator, but we are manufacturers. We take the talent, material, and elements that God gave us and we manufacture from his creations. There was no Hip-hop in the Garden of Eden, but there were raw materials that man could use to create it.
Does the Gospel need Hip-hop?
These same artists will be the first to deny that the gifts of God are in operation in the church. So they can’t understand the spirit behind Hip-hop because they don’t even have faith in the Spirit behind the gifts of God! But what about the kids that are possessed by demons, bound by spiritual issues, or sick and need to be healed? Can a fundamentalist rapper, that denies the very power of the Holy Ghost, be effective in this situation?? Giving them beats and rhymes will not do it.
It must be understood that just because something is in existence does not mean that God created it and sanctions it. Child pornography exists yet God didn’t create it neither does he use it in any way. When we talk about music and culture we are talking about something that was manufactured using the raw materials and talents that God created. So, in that sense, sure God created everything. But many things that are manufactured by man, God does not want credited back to him.
I know you are probably asking yourself, “Why don’t they just call it Christian Rap and leave out the Hip-hop part? The answer: because, they can’t. Christian rap does not mimic the secular industry enough. Now if you are going to be a Christian version of the Wu-tang Clan, then you have to effectively mimic them. You can’t just rap and make beats, but you have to dress like them, move around on stage like them, and look like them. This is where Hip-hop comes in. Hip-hop keeps the looks, the flare and the flavor in the performance so that they can effectively emulate the secular version of themselves. When a Christian rap group does not want to be associated with Hip-hop in any way, then they don’t emulate secular artists. They can have their own style, their own flavor and their own God given creativity, and not depend on Hip-hop to dictate to them what they should be like. Hip-hop is the spirit that brings authenticity to the Holy Hip-hopper. Without it, they can’t be like their worldly heroes of Hip-hop. They will have to give credit to God alone and can no longer pay tribute to Hip-hop. Thus, it puts them out of the loop and they must stand on their own. They cannot sell a lot of CD’s; they won’t get the dove or GMA awards. They won’t stand out without Hip-hop because the people they say they are reaching will only respect their God if Hip-hop is used to bring him to them. In many of their raps, they make Hip-hop equal to God and make Hip-hop and the Gospel a “team”. Since when did Hip-hop become equals with the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Hip-hop denounces Christ! But I guess when you call it “Holy Hip-hop” Christ can be equal to Hip-hop and they can work together to reach the world like Kanye West states in his blockbuster hit song “Jesus Walks”. Why call it Holy Hip-hop and not believe in the gifts of the Holy Ghost? The Holy Ghost will draw the sinner, but many Holy Hip-hop rappers deny the gifts and do not deal with the spirit realm concerning Hip-hop and the world. They don’t cast out demons, they don’t believe in divine healing and many don’t even believe in the baptism of the Holy Ghost! So, what do they leave the youth with that they are trying to reach?? Beats, rhymes, and positive lyrics rather than negative ones. They are an alternative, with no authenticity. Sure, the kids are drawn by the beats and the “Hip-hop” because that’s where they are. Kanye West is packing out church altars when he makes his appeal for salvation, even thought his music promotes sin, sex, and violence. How is he any different than a Holy Hip-hopper? They are both using Hip-hop to reach the youth right? His is positive right? The one thing I can appreciate about Kanye West is that he is true to what he does. He is not trying to change Hip-hop into something Holy. He knows that it’s all just Hip-hop! Only the church is foolish enough to bring this demonic culture in and call it just music. Real Hip-hoppers know that music has little to do with it. It’s the enemy’s agenda. Even KRS-ONE knew that the only way to get the knowledge of self and his “black man is God” teachings into the church was to use Holy Hip-hop! He was one of the founding fathers of Hip-hop, so he is an advocate of Holy Hip-hop and any other form of worship thru Hip-hop. He says that all religions can worship through Hip-hop because Hip-hop is like Christ! To the real Hip-hopper, it’s Christ-like because to them, no man cometh to the father but through a mixture of their beliefs and Hip-hop! Even Da’ Truth said in his CD, “Hip-hop and the Gospel, what a dynamic team!” NO!
Prov. 11:30 “…and he that winneth souls wise.”
There is a big difference in that question and this scripture. This scripture is not saying that we should be wise and cleaver in coming up with ways to attract people to God. It’s basically stating a fact. If you win souls, you are wise. If you obey God, walk in his way, and allow his Spirit to operate through you, you will win souls and thus, you were wise. But we tend to make the scripture to mean that if we think up ways to reach people and use craftiness in doing it, then we are wise! The Bible is clear in 2 Corinthians 4 about using craftiness and handling the Word of God deceitfully.
2Cor. 4:2 But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God.
We cannot pretend we’re one thing to get people’s attention and then show them that we are another thing. In other words, you can’t use the actual music of the “real” hip-hop and the religion of Hip-hop to get the youth’s attention so you can minister to them. The only reason they are drawn to this culture, in the first place is because of its supernatural pull and how it agrees with their lifestyle. If there is such a thing as Holy Hip-hop, then why is the World’s version just plain Hip-hop? Why don’t they call what they are doing Secular Hip-hop or Gangster Hip-hop? To them, it’s just Hip-hop because they are the original. But the church is the counterfeit and has to change the definition of the word to be a part of it. The name suggests that to make it Holy is to make is non-authentic or to make it something that it is not. This is because Hip-hop was created for the world. For someone in the church to amend it and add the prefix Holy to it suggest that it’s not original and is a knock off version of what it was created to be. Sure God made everything and he made music. He is the creator, but we are manufacturers. We take the talent, material, and elements that God gave us and we manufacture from his creations. There was no Hip-hop in the Garden of Eden, but there were raw materials that man could use to create it.
Effective youth ministries don’t need gimmicks.
Youth pastors and youth ministers wake up! If you need Hip-hop to reach your youth, then you are not an effective youth minister! If you need to give the youth what they want instead of what they need, then you are no better than an irresponsible parent that spoils their child. If you have to keep having Hip-hop lock-ins, Concerts and Praise Dance festivals, field trips, food and candy to keep your youth interested in your youth ministry, then you need to reevaluate whether or not God has truly called you to be a youth minister. Maybe you missed your call of being an amusement park attendant, or a babysitter. A truly effective youth minister can preach the word of God and cause the youth to go out and win other youth. When a youth ministry is really effective, they are able to grow based on the Word of God being preached and not on gimmicks, fun times, or music. Youth desire the supernatural power of God just like adults. But when you have a carnal youth leader that cannot manifest the power of God and deal with demons, spirits, and witchcraft, then the youth will need fun and activities to stay interested. If you are not able to give them a true move of God in your youth ministry, then you have to compete with the world! You will have to give them what the world is giving them. If there are parties and dances happening at their schools, you will have to have one the same night, but stamp Jesus on it. If there are concerts and Hip-hop clubs happening around you, you will have to have concerts and clubs with a Jesus stamp. You will always be lead by the world and in direct competition with the world. Hip-hop will become your nemesis and rather than beating it by the power of the Holy Ghost transforming and moving through your youth ministry, you will have to join it because it’s easier than seeking a real move of God. The beats will take the place of the spirit of God. The Holy Hip-hoppers will come in and promote themselves by looking the part, acting the part, and promoting the real Hip-hoppers that they stole their style from. Then the kids will yell and scream, and come to the altar because of the beats. But they will leave the service, only to get into their cars or go home and listen to the real thing. And as long as they continue to listen to the real Hip-hoppers and secular artists, the Holy Hip-hop will be a fill in for them. Since they can’t have Usher and Lil’ Jon in the church, then they will take the Cross Movement or Lil’ Irocc for now.
You better believe when they get home, they will desire the real deal. Do not get me wrong; if it is Christian Rap or Gospel Rap, then it does not compare itself with the world’s artists because there is no Hip-hop involved with it. If a person considers himself a Holy Hip-hoppers or say they are using Hip-hop, then they are comparing themselves to something that is in the world.
Holy Hip-hoppers are not the real thing and will only go to make the real Hip-hop more powerful. This makes KRS-One’s prophecy about Hip-hop true because he stated that all religions could worship through Hip-hop! He believes that the religion of Hip-hop and the belief in the black man being God is essential in worshipping the true god of this planet. He says that Hip-hop must be reckoned with by all people of color and must be used by every religion to effectively reach our people. This is putting Hip-hop equal with God and saying that in order to get to God, you must use Hip-hop! He even came out with a Holy Hip-hop CD to preach this doctrine and used Holy Hip-hoppers T-Bone and BB Jay on it for validation! So, it appears that the Holy Hip-hop movement is fulfilling the prophecy of Hip-hop’s founders by making it a necessary tool for effective ministry. The only tool necessary for effective ministry is the preaching of the Gospel and the drawing of the Holy Ghost. I know this may sound foolish to many but it is called “foolishness of preaching.”
1Cor. 1:21 For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe. We have thousands of saved and hip-hop-free teen-agers who will attest to this truth.