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	Comments on: Strengthen Your Core &#8211; Pt. 2 &#8211; The Great Falling Away	</title>
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	<description>Changing Lives with the whole truth of God&#039;s Word!</description>
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		By: Juliana		</title>

		<pubDate>Thu, 23 Nov 2017 21:51:10 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">http://www.exministries.com/?post_type=x-portfolio&#038;p=8952#comment-9166</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[Wonderful sermon pastor. I was especially drawn to the part where you said it is difficult to find a preacher who preaches sound Biblical doctrine. I am having that problem right now. I wish to find a place to worship most of the churches in my country are about sewing seeds, prosperity, lifting up of their own images. I want to hear the word and all of it. I want my children to know God through Christ Jesus. My 9 year old has taken an interest in God and I want her faith to deepen, but these  churches are a disappointment, and when I say the church, the leadership that is. However, I believe God will send us in the right direction.]]></description>
			<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Wonderful sermon pastor. I was especially drawn to the part where you said it is difficult to find a preacher who preaches sound Biblical doctrine. I am having that problem right now. I wish to find a place to worship most of the churches in my country are about sewing seeds, prosperity, lifting up of their own images. I want to hear the word and all of it. I want my children to know God through Christ Jesus. My 9 year old has taken an interest in God and I want her faith to deepen, but these  churches are a disappointment, and when I say the church, the leadership that is. However, I believe God will send us in the right direction.</p>