Because we are branches and not husbandmen, we are not allowed to cut branches from the vine nor demand fruit bearing from others. In this message, Pastor Lewis teaches us how to abide together on the same vine and assist others in bearing fruit.
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In this message Pastor Lewis gives examples of fruit that every believer should be bearing. When our tree is mature and in leaf, we should bear these types of fruit. By our fruit we will know if our tree is good.
Trees 6
Trees require patience to grow. It takes a tree many years before it matures to the point of fruit bearing. In this message, Pastor Lewis explains how we should wait until our “due season” before we attempt to bear fruit.
Trees 5
The parable of the sower is a great example of sowing seeds to grow trees. In this message, Pastor Lewis parallels this parable with our every day lives and how issues from our past can effect the way we grow.
Trees 4
Good trees produce good fruit, but bad trees must be cut down and used for firewood. What kind of tree are you? In this message, Pastor Lewis helps us deal with the our fruit bearing issues.
Trees 3
To be like a tree, we must go though all the stages that trees experiences. Sprouting roots, fortifying the trunk, and growing branches to bring forth fruit are all essential stages that we as believers must complete. In this message, Pastor Lewis continues his contrast of the believer and the … Read More
Trees 2
A malnourished tree cannot bear healthy fruit. In order to bear good fruit, we must be able to first sustain ourselves. In this message, Pastor Lewis continues to contrast the tree with the strong, firm standing believer.
Trees are built to withstand storms. In these trying times we must stand strong and endure all the storms that our world is destined for. In this message, Pastor Lewis contrasts trees to our stand as true believers.